How to import and export WordPress site content

To transfer or keep a backup of your site you need to know how to export and import WordPress content. This feature is really very helpful to transfer a website very fast. And you can keep a backup of your whole site like posts, pages, comments, navigation with just a one click.


What is WordPress Import?

Import means you can transfer content from a site onto your site by uploading an XML file using the admin panel.


What is WordPress Export?

Export means downloading all your website content. It is usually an XML file you can download from the admin panel.


You can watch the video tutorial here.


If you want to read one, then go ahead for step by step explanation.


To export your site content, navigate to Tools > Export .


Export WordPress Content
Click on Tools > Export


After clicking on Export, you will get the below screen where you can download all content at once or you can download only pages, posts or media.


Export Screen
Export Screen


Now click on Download Export File button. You will get a XML file, Keep it as a backup or to use for uploading these content into another site.


To Import a website content click on Tools > Import . Then you will get the following screen:


Import WordPress
Import Screen


Look at the bottom of the screenshot, under WordPress, click Install Now and the installer will be installed. Then you will see the below screen:


Importer Installation
WordPress Importer Installation


Now click on Run Importer and you will get the below screen for uploading a XML file. Select a file and click on Upload file and import . Then it will start downloading contents from remote site to your site. It will ask for assigning new posts to existing author, just select and go. All files, images, contents will be downloaded instantly from another site.

That is all about import and export WordPress site contents. If you have any question, you may ask in the comments section below.

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