How to create a post in WordPress

Posts are the main thing WordPress has been built for. I mean blogging, WordPress has been actually created for blogging platform. So, if you are learning WordPress from scratch then you need to know how to post an article. Lets learn how to do that.

You can watch the video tutorial to learn how to create a post.

If you do not like the video, then go ahead and read step by step.

Step- 1: Navigate to Posts > Add New


Creating Post
click on Add New to create a post


Step-2: Fill in the title, content


create post with title and content
Create Post with Title and Content


Step-3: Select category, upload a featured image, Use tags, Select Format then click on Publish.


WordPress Post Settings
WordPress Post Settings


You are done with creating a post, if you want to know further then you can continue to read. A post is different from Page in many ways. Like, Posts are assigned usually into a category. Lets discuss all settings.


Status and Visibility:

Under this section, you will get 3 options called 1) Public 2) Private 3)Password Protected .

  1. Public: this will be selected by default, if its selected then the page will be public that means everyone can see it.
  2. Private: This option will set your page as Private. it means only you can see the page, nobody can see it.
  3. Password Protected: If you want a page to be accessed with a password, then you can choose this option. So, the visitor with the password only can access this page.



WordPress post category is differentiation of types of post. An example may be useful. Take that, you want to have different types of posts on your site, to differentiate them from one another you need to create categories like Sports, Lifestyles, Hotnews. These may be category name based on your site.

To create a category, navigate to Posts > Categories


Creating Post Category
Create a post category


Then give your category name, you may specify the category slug, select if it belongs to an Parent Category, give a description and click on Add New Category button. after that you will see the new category at right side.



Tags are the keywords for your post. You can later on search posts by tag and get the result with all those posts having same tag.


Featured Image:

Featured image is an image you want to show for that specific post. Click on Set Featured Image to upload an image for the post.



An excerpt is usually a summery of a post. Excerpt are used in a list of posts because a list of posts usually has the title, image and excerpt.



You can select here whether you want to have comments from the visitors of your site or not. You can also enable the pingbacks and trackbacks.


Now you can create a post easily with a category and all other settings. Let me know if you have any problem creating a post in WordPress.

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