What is WordPress? How it works?

WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world right now. Almost more than 43% websites are made of WordPress. The reason behind its’ popularity is the simplicity and robust framework. WordPress uses HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and MySQL to run and build the website.

Most important part is, you do not need to know all these languages to use WordPress. Codes works in behind, you do not need to code any of it. So, in one sentence, we can say that WordPress is a Content Management System by which you can publish your pages, posts so easily without knowing any codes. It organizes all your pages, posts, custom post types nicely with great user interface.

WordPress has 2 sides 1) Frontend and 2) Backend. Frontend of WordPress is accessible by anyone. Only the published contents will be seen on frontend. On the other hand, WordPress backend is from where you can manage all your websites’ content like publishing any page, post, adding users. That means from WordPress backend you are able to manage your whole website.


‘Theme’ is a great part of WordPress. All WordPress website site must use a Theme. A Theme is a combination of HTML, CSS, PHP, JS files that works together through WordPress API, Hooks, Filters. You can easily enhance a website’s functionalities through many hooks and filters. There is a file named functions.php where you can write those settings and it will handle your whole website. You can use any ready-made theme or you can create any custom theme. You can get free themes from WordPress.org. You will get thousand of free themes of different types of categories. If you know how to create a custom WordPress theme then its a great advantage. You can also sell those custom themes through your own website or through Themeforest.


WordPress has ‘Widgets’ system, you can easily drag and drop any web element like any image, block of codes, navigation, latest post or any type of element. You can also embed any video anywhere on any page with the help of Widgets.


WordPress is mostly preferred over any CMS because of its’ power of extensibility. You can extend your websites’ functions with the help of any type of plugin. Plugins are found free in the WordPress.org website. Many tech companies also create premium plugins that will do more for your website. If you go to official website of WordPress then you will get thousands of free plugins that you can add to your site. If you can also learn creating plugin then you can earn by selling it online.

Import & Export

If you have many websites or some similar websites then you can easily import or export your website easily. WordPress has import and export functionality. You can easily transfer your website from one hosting to another hosting. You can even import and export all website settings. Many plugins have this functionality built in. But many premium plugins do not offer this.

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