If you have a website then you must have got spam messages or any brute-force attack to hack your site or your email flooded with unwanted or bot messages. To get rid of these nuisances, you need to use something that will prevent these spammers. Google reCaptcha is the perfect option for blocking spammers specially where you will ask users to send information using any form.
To use reCaptcha for a WPForms form, you need to have a Google account and WPForms plugin installed on your website. For using reCaptcha in WPForms, you need premium version of it. Free version does not offer this feature.
Go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha , if you are logged in with your gmail account you will see your thumbnail at right side, if not then you need to sign in. After going in to the captcha creation page you will see the following page.
In the Label area, write any name for your website. Then you need to select which type of recaptcha you want. You can choose Score based or challenge based captcha for your site. Select any one from that list. Then the most important part is to specify the website url. Write like this yoursite.com, domain name should be without “https”. Then you need to agree with terms, select the checkbox. Then click on “Submit” button.
After clicking on ”Submit” button, you will get the Site key and secret key which we will use in next step.
Now go to you WordPress admin panel then go to WPForms > Settings, then click on “Captcha” and you will see some fields on that page. Here you need to use the Site Key and Secret key. Look at the screenshot below:
Now you need to put in the Site Key and Secret Key that you got from Step 1. Now click on “Save Settings” and you are done with the Step 2.
The last step is to just drag the “ReCaptcha” field from the left side to the right side. Look at the screenshot below:
From the left side, find the reCaptcha button drag and drop on the right side form. You will see a message that the reCaptcha has been added to your form.
Thats it! Its really very easy to add a reCaptcha in your WPForms form. You just need a Google account and a premium version of WPForms to add it to your form.